Sightseeing information

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Information on Sendai and Tohoku [日本語]

Sendai info: [日本語] There is a button at the top of the page to click for English, too!!! Info on food and restaurants, sightseeing, lodging, etc.

Famous sightseeing spots in Sendai Area
(Please do a web search for the following. There are GREAT places to visit the Sat. before or the Monday [holiday!] after the training. Good reason to use the JR + hotel package deal!! See above for the JR deals!!)

松島Matsushima (Take the “Sen-Seki sen” 仙石線toward Ishinomaki 石巻)

山寺 Yamadera (Take the “Sen-Zan sen” 仙山線 toward Yamagata 山形)

鳴子温泉Narugo onsen area (Onikobe ski resort is nearby)

秋保温泉Akiu onsen (directly next to Sendai’s West side of town)

作並温泉Sakunami onsen (Still technically part of Sendai, but farther West than Akiu)

蔵王温泉スキー場Zao onsens (and skiing) See the winter “snow monsters” there!!! (Wind-blown snow completely covering the trees.)


珍しい!!! [Mezurashii!!!!] Barely west of Sendai on the Senzan-sen (仙山線)… Directly out of the train doors, a ski lift and ski area!!!

蔵王温泉スキー場Zao onsens (and skiing) See the winter “snow monsters” there!!! (Wind-blown snow completely covering the trees.)

Onikobe (next to Narugo onsen area)


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